Friday, May 2, 2014

Taylors Every Day - Week 18

Monday afternoon the kids played in my car while I cleaned it out -
I am sure I will have a similar picture of them like this in a few years when they are really driving away!
Tuesday the kids watched the Ipad while we waited out the storm and tornadoes 
Wednesday the kids didn't have school due to storms and flooding so we had lots of rainy day activities 
Coloring with their "magic" markers 
And when the rain stopped - we "splashed in muddy puddles" (as Caleb would say) 
Finding worms 
Caleb loved picking them up 
Thursday - The kids were playing with my baby stroller from when I was little
Then we went to Bible Study - I've been so blessed to study the book of Matthew with these ladies this year at BSF 
After BSF, we had lunch at Chick-fil-A and the big kids rode with me!

Such sweet friends - Pierce, Caleb and Katelyn
Friday we went to Target to get some party supplies and found rocket balloons. 
The kids had so much fun with them - best $1 I've spent in a while.
Ella pumping her balloon up 
Caleb pumping his up 
Look how big it is!
Balloon Rocket Races 
Girls had orange, boys had blue! 
 After dinner we started working on our party preparations
My helpers are ready 
All they wanted to do was lick the beaters 
Silly boy! 
 Ella's turn
Stirring together the pudding
Mixing in the Cool Whip 
This girl enjoyed licking the container 
Beating up the oreos for dirt cake
Caleb can not wait for his party tomorrow!

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