Saturday, May 17, 2014

Taylors Every Day - Week 20

This week was Bug Week at Caleb's school
so I picked up a bug from school on Monday.

Ella fell fast asleep while I was helping Caleb with his homework. 

Tuesday the kids dug into their Easter candy they still haven't finished!
My cute little bunnies
 Tuesday we worked on homework.  I'm so proud how Caleb comes right in and gets it done without complaining.
 And after homework, we had Popsicles
Wednesday we had preschool graduation 
We are so proud of this boy!
Thursday afternoon was stormy 
so we put together alot of puzzles and Caleb lined them all up.
Friday morning we ran errands for church and the kids did good so I treated them with Snoballs.
Ella loved her grape one - chillin with her sunglasses upside down 
Caleb got strawberry - He helped the lady wipe off the tables and she gave him some coupons to come back and get free ones next time! 
Then we came home and baked a cake for dinner - they love licking the beaters!


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