Friday, May 23, 2014

Taylors Every Day - week 21

Monday night we had our annual Bachelor Premiere Party at Heather and Daniel's house.
The kids had a blast with their bubble machine after supper.
And it made a lot of bubbles - can you find Ella? 
And of course Ella was loving on Teague while we were there! 
After some outside fun, the kids got a bath and Heather read the kids a story before bed.
Then the kids went to bed and the adults ate dessert and watched TV :)
Tuesday night the kids were worn out! 
I just love sleeping pictures!

Wednesday we were busy with End of Year celebrations for school
Ella's class rode the train 
Caleb's class had a party at the park 
 And Caleb got a kite at school - he couldn't wait to get home and fly it.
Can you see it up in the sky?

Thursday was Caleb's last day of preschool ever!
K here we come...but I'm not going to think about that til the fall :(
Friday Mammy was off work so we had fun with her.
We went to the library and the kids loved reading all their new books they brought home.

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