Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ella's Last Day of Preschool and Caleb's End of Year Party at the Park

Today was Ella's last day of preschool for the year.   
She has grown and changed so much this year!
Her class went and rode the train today.
Sweet friends waiting for the train ride 
Ella and Lizzie Kate on the train 
These girls love each other!  Ella wants to go home with LK all the time! 
One more - they are just too cute!
Ella and some of her best buddies - Sydney Paige, Lizzie Kate, and Haley 
Aubree, Russell, SP, Ella and LK 
Her class on the last day of school! 
Ella and Lizzie Kate with Mrs. Janet - she is such a sweet teacher! 
Haley, Lizzie Kate and Ella by the fence on the playground 
Ella and Mrs. D'Shay - she is the BEST teacher!  We sure will miss her next year! 
Playing with some of her best buddies - Aubree and Lizzie Kate
Ella has had such a good first year of preschool and has made some lifelong friends!
Caleb's class had their End of Year Party today at the Park. 
Caleb and Anna Claire hanging out 
Caleb loved going round and round on this  
Climbing the rock wall 
Caleb loves these girls - Katelyn and Mallory 
Silly boys - Trevor, Caleb, Pierce, and James 
Waiting for their pizza 
These boys ate two pieces and were still hungry!
Caleb has one more day of preschool tomorrow. 
We sure will miss all of his friends next year (and their mamas!)

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