Saturday, May 3, 2014

Caleb's 5th Birthday Party at the Strawberry Patch

Today we had Caleb's 5th Birthday Party at Dean's Farm Market.  I asked Caleb where he wanted his party this year and he quickly replied "the strawberry patch".  Not sure I would have thought of that but it was a good idea.  We had a tractor themed party at the strawberry patch.
Ready to go to the party in their matching John Deere shirts
Family photo before we go 
 Sweet cousins ready to party in their tractor shirts!
 Waiting for all of his friends to arrive on the hay bales
 Ella Bella having fun!
 Listening to the instructions before heading to pick strawberries 
Picking Strawberries 
Aiden and Kaye 
Anna Jane and Jeff with their mommy
Pierce and his daddy 
Kent, Melanie and Owen 
Caleb, Jaxson, and Mattox 
Granddaddy and Ella 
Mitzi and Jodi
Caleb and Corey 
Russell and his daddy 
Farris and his daddy 
 Uncle Kent picking some for Owen
 Ella got her container full - she was serious about it!
Me and Abbie with our girls! 
After strawberry picking, we headed down to play and eat some cake
The table - pitchforks, fish pond (goldfish), dirt cake, strawberries, and gummy worms
Caleb while we sang Happy Birthday 
Blowing his candles out 
Love how Pierce has his hand on Caleb's shoulder.
After he blew the candle out, Pierce said "What did you wish for?  That I would be your best budddy?"  So sweet! 
Time to eat!
Mallory, Caleb and Cole 
Caleb, Mattox, and Cole 
Some of his best buddies - Anna Jane, Cole, Caleb, Aiden, Jaxson, Mattox, and Mallory 
More of his buddies - Mattox, Pierce, Jaxson, Caleb, Katelyn, and Mallory 
Eli and Owen checking each other out! 
Sweet little Nora came to the party too! 
The kids loved the slide - even if all of their butts were dirty! 
Even PhePhe came down! 
Love these girls! - Mitzi, Melanie, Abbie, Staci, Claire, me, Nicole, and Amy
So glad all of our kids are growing up together! 
The Taylor crew - Nina, Phyllis, GG, Mike and Susan 
I would say he had a fun time - check out his muddy shoes! 
And the party totally wore this girl out - we let her sleep about 5 minutes :)
Caleb had a blast!  He told me this was his best party ever!  When I asked him Why?  He said "because all of my best friends were there!".   I am so glad he had such a fun day!


1 comment:

  1. I am sure they had a great time. Even my son thanked me by saying that he was happy that everybody was there. I think kids really like good company than anything else. This was definitely a good birthday celebration. I will also do something like this for my kids before we hit the venue NYC for dinner.
