Friday, May 30, 2014

Taylors Every Day - week 22

Monday we were having fun at the lake!

Tuesday the kids went to camp at their school.  The theme was "Ocean Adventure".
Here is a picture of Ella fishing in a princess dress :) 
Tuesday night was Caleb's last soccer game of the season.  He scored 4 goals. 
He has done really well at soccer this year. 
Last game - Caleb is sad this season is over! 
Caleb and one of his friends Landon.  Their teams played each other tonight.
Wednesday the kids were worn out!
Not sure if she is tired from the lake or camp but she has napped every day this week! 
Caleb rested with Granddaddy while Ella napped
Thursday was the last day of "Ocean Adventure" camp 
Ella and her sweet friends playing dress up at school - Jacob was hanging with all the girls! 
Playing babies and dress up - two of their favorite things! 
Caleb with all his "under the sea" crafts he made this week!
Thursday was also Mammy's birthday!
Celebrating with her sweet darlings! 
She got a footprint of Owen to match the other ones she has!  She loved it!
Friday we celebrated Katelyn's 5th Birthday at the pool
Ready to go to the pool! 
Katelyn had donuts for her party and the kids loved it! 
 The little girls had fun playing with all the My Little Ponies
Some of his best friends from school 
The little girls got fingernail polish as their party favor.  Ella did Lizzie Kate's nails by the pool.  This picture cracks me up...she still has her goggles on.  They were so excited they just plopped right down and started painting nails!

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