Sunday, May 4, 2014

Other Weekend Fun-Caleb's Birthday Weekend!

After Caleb's birthday party, we hurried to change clothes and go to Caleb's soccer game!
Caleb lined up to practice shooting it in the goal! 
Go Caleb!
Caleb had quite a cheering section at this game - 
MeMe, Lena and Ella 
GiGi, Daddy, Phyllis, Nina (and Pepa was there!) 
Mammy, Kent and Melanie 
Playing - he scored three goals!  He is really getting good! 
Ella and Owen playing  
Kent played with the other kids during the game - Ella, Lena, and Cole 
We had not even had the chance to open presents yet so he opened a few in the parking lot
Some new fishing stuff 
Caleb with PhePhe, Nina, and GG after the game
Then we went back to my parent's house...
And the kids played with rocket balloons 
and rode all the riding toys 
And Caleb finally got to open all the presents from his party
He was a happy boy! 
Cole helping him open his presents 
The chaos of opening presents when everybody wants to open one 
Then Caleb and Cole played with some of his new toys
After PePa and MeMa left, we headed over to Josh and Kelly's new house for a cookout
The kids had so much fun playing with Luke, Leah, and Teague
What a busy but fun Saturday! 
Sunday we went to church
Aren't they cute!

We had a picnic for lunch 
The boys worked in the garden/yard.
Caleb loves helping his daddy! 
Ella went to Aubree's 3rd birthday and had a blast! 
Caleb loved playing with his new water guns. 
Corey and Caleb went fishing and caught a fish!
We are enjoying all the outside fun with this beautiful weather!

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