Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day Weekend

Saturday we had a busy day full of parties.
Saturday morning we went to Lizzie Kate's Princess Party for her 3rd birthday.
Sweet friends from preschool with the birthday princess 
The boys played while the girls danced 
 Walking on their tippy toes 
Party Girls! 
Ella's turn to flip 
She did so good! 
Cake time! 
Ella enjoyed her cake and ice cream so we changed her clothes quickly and she fell fast asleep! 
Lizzie Kate's party wore her out!
Then we drove to Oxford to celebrate Eli's 1st Birthday!
He had a Mickey themed party and all the decorations were so cute! 
Ready for cake! 
The party wore him out!  He fell asleep while I was holding him!  So sweet! 
The big kids enjoyed letting the balloons go! 
Sweet cousins! 
Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day
The Mother's Day Card we made this year 
 Before church with my babies - I am so thankful to be their mom!
Me and my mom!  I am so thankful to have her as my mom!
She is the best - she is always there for me! 
Ella was so excited to give me the Mother's Day present she made at school. 
But she wanted to unwrap it for me! 
A silhouette - the sweetest gift! 
Mama spoiled us rotten this year with gifts! 
We got new bathing suit cover ups and pedicure/manicure gift cards! 
We gave Mama an Origami Owl necklace with a few charms
The guys made us a nice steak dinner and then we enjoyed the evening playing outside 
Raynor Grandbabies 
Ella pushing Owen - he wasn't so sure about it 
Melanie with her sweet family on her 1st Mother's Day! 
Caleb has learned to pump his legs and swing by himself - yay!
He was going so fast all I could get was a blur! 
These three love each other! 
And with these three there is always some wrestling going on 
Then it was bath time at Mammy's - sweet baby Owen!
What a great Mother's Day - time with my mama and my babies. 
 I couldn't have asked for a better day!

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