Monday, May 5, 2014

Caleb's Actual Birthday - May 5th

Today is Caleb's Birthday!  I just can't get over that he is 5 years old! 
We woke him up singing Happy Birthday and he said "Oh yeah, today is my real birthday".
He came downstairs...
and Mammy had made banana nut muffins - one of his favorites! 
Blowing out his candle 
And of course Ella wanted one too! 
The birthday boy ready for school.  He is so happy to be "a whole hand" 
Me and my sweet boy who is growing up too fast! 
At school he had a birthday party with donuts, watermelon, and gummy bears (all of his requests) 
After school we went to lunch with the Browns, Stones, and Joyners at Burger King.
David Worth and Batten brought Caleb a present! 
Then we played outside.  Caleb swinging Ella "super high" 
Playing with his new rocket 
Then we had a family birthday dinner - hot dogs, hamburgers and all the fixings. 
Then it was present time! 
Ella wanted a front row seat to all the present opening.  
Owen wanted to help too!  Ella quickly reminded him "its not your birthday"  Ha!  Just check out how she is pointing her finger at him!
New Legos 
A dragon - he requested "a fire breathing dragon"! 
A bug vacuum!  This boys loves to pick up and collect bugs 
Mega Tiles to build with 
Everybody had fun with these!
Chocolate ice cream for dessert - Caleb's request 
Ready to dig in - these two LOVE ice cream! 
Blowing his candle out! 
A thumbs up - that was yummy! 
Ella enjoyed it too!  Just check out her mouth!
We are so thankful for this healthy, happy little 5 year old boy!  We love you Caleb!

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