Sunday, May 18, 2014

Father Son Retreat

This weekend Caleb and Corey went on the Father Son Retreat with church.  Caleb had been looking forward to his "adventure" (as he called it) with daddy and no girls!  He was so excited on Saturday morning.  Corey said before they left home he wouldn't let him out of his sight and was one step behind him all morning.
Before they headed out on their adventure 
They went to Fayetteville and their first stop was the Airborne and Special Operations Museum
With his friend Mason 
Checking out the exhibits
A happy boy!
Next stop was a Putt Putt Fun Center 
Riding the bumper boats - Caleb rode these several times and got really wet! 
Squirting people 
Riding the spinning cars
They also rode go carts several times! 
Getting chocolate ice cream - his favorite!
They stopped and got Outback on the way home!  Such a fun day for the boys!
Caleb had a blast with his daddy and the other father/sons from church!

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