Saturday, May 10, 2014

Taylors Every Day - Week 19

Monday was Caleb's birthday so we celebrated all day long!
Tuesday Caleb woke up and wanted to start putting together his new Lego cars. 
Tuesday night the kids picked out the Christmas ornaments they wanted this year.  I know, kind of early but a tradition with my mom when the new Hallmark Dreambook comes out!  They love looking at all the ornaments.   
Wednesday we woke up with a Ninja Turtle in the house :) 
Caleb has really enjoyed the toys he got for his birthday! 
He built a rocket with his mega tiles 
And played with the spinners he got 
Ella got her yearbook at school and she loved telling me each of her friends names 
Thursday we started our day with "Muffins with Moms" at Caleb's school
Love spending time with my sweet boy! 
Selfie while we got a manicure.
Ella enjoyed the suckers while I got my nails painted 
Me and Caleb went out to lunch at Carolina Cheese Company 
And then he had his 5 year old check up.
We are happy to have a healthy 5 year old who is ready for school. 
Ella was excited to go home with Claire while Caleb went to the doctor.
Haley and Ella dressed up and Katelyn awarded trophies. 
These girls love each other! 
After the doctor, we stopped and got Caleb an ice cream cone (our tradition) 
And this was what my backseat looked like when we made it home.  We had a busy day and these two were worn out!
Friday - Caleb was so excited that his watermelon and cantaloupe plants were starting to sprout.
This boy loves a garden just as much as his daddy does!
And every good Friday night ends with a chocolate ice cream cone - their favorite!

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