Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend - Soccer and Lake Fun!

We started our Saturday morning with one of the kids favorite activities - riding their Big Wheels!

Then we went to Caleb's soccer game and he scored two goals! 
Ready to play! 
Team Huddle 
 Go Caleb! 
Ella thinks she is part of the team - standing on the sidelines. 
It was team picture day so I snapped a quick picture! 
After the game, we headed to the lake....
and the girls started fishing as soon as we got there! 
Evan caught a fish so everyone wanted to see! 
 Ella wanted to swim so we stripped her down!
Ella didn't want to go any further when her feet hit the was cold!
Caleb didn't seem to mind the water was like ice!
One happy boy when he is swimming! 
And the boys fished too! 
Ella worn a visor a lot this weekend and she reminded me of my aunt Frances :) 
Sunday morning PePa cut up a watermelon for everyone! 
The kids watched cartoons while we waited for it to get a little warmer outside. 
Ready for a boat ride in their PJs 
Riding the boat with daddy 
 Ella and Lena on the boat
 Caleb driving the boat
Ella was a happy girl riding the boat 
Checking out the fish! 
Stirring the water :) 
 Trying to see how deep the water was
Swimming again!  He had a blast! 
Snack on the pier 
The lake wore everyone out! 
A fun weekend that went by too fast!

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