Saturday, April 12, 2014

Busy Saturday - Picture Overload!

We had a busy Saturday.  Two of the fun things we did was go to Teague's 2nd birthday party and Caleb's 1st soccer game!
Playing cornhole  
Caleb caught a frog that he held most of the party 
Playing put the bananas in George's mouth 
Ella's turn 
The birthday boy enjoyed his cupcake! 
My two enjoying the yummy snacks! 
We gave Teague a puddle jumper so he can come on the boat with us again this summer :) 
All the kids at the party! 
After the party we went to Caleb's 1st soccer game
Our Soccer Star 
Warming up 
Ready for his first drill 
Go Caleb! 
Waiting his turn 
Ella was not in the mood - she wanted a nap! 
Getting a pep talk! 
Waiting his turn on the sideline - cheering on his team 
Owen and Ella sharing snacks 
With two of his teammates at the goal 
Ready to go! 
Caleb scored one goal and assisted with another.
He was a happy boy!
When we got home, Caleb and Ella set up a picnic with mine and Corey's iced coffees :)
What a fun but busy day!

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