Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Break Beach Fun!

We went to the beach with Claire on Sunday and Monday for Spring Break.  My kids were so excited to be going to the beach to play with Katelyn and Haley!
The big kids headed to the beach to check out the water - it was cold!
The little girls headed to the beach - buckets in hand 
Ella digging in the sand 
 Look at those sweet little butt cheeks hanging out of her bathing suit!
Little girls in their matching bathing suits - we got asked if they were twins! 
My two playing in the water 
Katelyn and Ella making drip castles 
Picnic after dinner with powdered donuts and goldfish while watching Frozen 
Some good sleep after their first day at the beach! 
These sweet girls playing so good together!  Laying in the bed with their stuffed animals talking :)

Ready to hit the beach - Day 2 
Me and Claire getting some sun! 
Snacks on the Beach - Oreos and goldfish 
Laying with Mammy for a quick rest (she was not really asleep!) 
Claire and Katelyn on the beach 
This boy loves everything about the beach! 
All 4 playing together splashing in the holes Caleb dug 
Love this sweet girl in pigtails!
Lunch on the deck 
Playing with Ahmpa 
These girls have the life - feet propped up and chilling at the beach 
 She was telling us something!
Mammy and Caleb trying to find sand fiddlers
Group shot 
These little girls look just like me and Claire did at that age! 
Playing in the waves! 
Caleb wanted to stop for ice cream on the way home -he was a happy boy with his chocolate ice cream cone!

This girl didn't stay awake to eat ice cream - we tried to wake her up but she was out!
What a fun few days at the beach with the Browns!  We can't wait to do it again next year!

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