Saturday, August 22, 2015

Taylors Every Day - Week 33

They played at Granddaddy's while I worked
We went to get Ella's stitches out 
Caleb had a dentist appointment
We had a youth pool party at the Fulfords
We worked on party details - these are the place settings! 
Caleb and Ella painted with Granddaddy in his shop
We went and bought a mattress and had dinner at Sam's
We had a K9 Demo at church 
We put up Ella's new bed and new bedding after the kids went to sleep 
Last night as a 3 year old!
Woke up with a 4 year old
We celebrated her all day long -more coming on my next post about that! 
Caleb had open house at school.
We were so pleased with his teachers and friends in his class.
That is BIG answer to prayer!  He is ready for 1st grade!
Caleb had surgery - tubes in his ears and his adenoids carterized.
We just love Mr. Phil - he came to pray with us! 
Getting all checked in 
Feeling good at this point!
Coloring while he waited 
Back in the pre-op area 
Ready to head to the OR - getting nervous.
He was crying as they wheeled him away :(
After surgery drinking some Sprite 
Feeling yucky and he asked to hold my hand.
LOVE this boy!

He got sick and didn't feel good! 
Ready to go home - waiting on daddy to pick us up! 
He was so sleepy!  We got home about 10 and he slept til 1:30 that afternoon! 
We got ready for Ella's party that afternoon!

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