Monday, August 31, 2015

Taylors Every Day - week 34

After church being silly with one of his favorite teens

Snowcones after church
Headed to the pool to make the most of the day on our last day before school starts
School starts back -  he woke up and said "It's school day - yay!" 
First Day of 1st Grade
No tears, he was excited and didn't even want me to walk him in! 
Ella went over to paint and play with Granddaddy while I worked.
When I asked her what they did she said "Amy Jos, Paint, and Cartoons". 
They have their little routine down pat! 
Ella was glad to have Caleb back home.  She fell asleep in car line and was excited to wake up and see him at home 
Doing his homework 
Cinderella helped me cook dinner!
Making milkshakes - Caleb loves to make oreo ones 
This girl took a nap so she was up late - painting her toenails and fingernails
School pancakes - our little tradition 
Enjoying some one on one time with this girl 
We took dinner to the Hutchens and got some sweet baby snuggles
She looked so cute but she wouldn't look at me - little stinker!
We made a Sams run with the Browns and then got ice cream! 
Painting at Granddaddy's house - Caleb has been dying to go over there since school started and Ella goes without him while I work
Harris Teeter fun 
Lunch with Caleb - both got ice cream! 
Caleb and his two best school buddies - Grayson and Seth 
Working on her princess art while I did some work 
Ziplining with Pierce 
Ella's turn 
These two are like little old men - rocking on the porch eating popsicles 
We are so glad it's Friday - no HW and no strict bedtimes! 
Ella and her caterpillar friend 
Movie Night 
I went to dinner with some college friends to celebrate the "Bride to Be".
It was so good to see these girls and catch up!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ella's 4th Birthday Royal Celebration

Ella wanted a Cinderella birthday so that is what she got!
This party was so much fun to plan!
Dining room all set up for the girls! 
Mammy and Ella getting ready for the party! 
Ready for the "Royal Ball" 
Entrance to the party 
Ella and the Magic Wand Fruit Kabobs 
Susan and Mama were a big help getting ready for the party! 
Sweet cousins all dressed up like princesses! 
Mema and her girls 
The littlest princess at the party 
All dressed up like their favorite princess and waiting to meet Cinderella 
Cinderella arrived and brought Ella a glass slipper 
Hugging Cinderella
Cinderella and some of the girls 
Ella and Cinderella 
Family Picture
Caleb was less than thrilled to be in this picture 
Lizzie Kate and Ella with Cinderella 
Ella and Brooklynn 
Painting nails 
Ella loved it! 
Madi Grace's turn 
Lizzie Kate's turn 
Ella and her pretty nails 
She picked two colors of pink
Enthralled by Cinderella 
Story Time 
Ella was into the book 
The table all ready 
Sandwiches cut into castles, crowns, and glass slippers 
Cinderella the cake with Prince Charming 
Princess Popcorn, Peanuts, Goldfish, M&Ms and Magic Wand Fruit Kabobs 
The girls listened to the story while we got all the food set out
Ready to blow out her candles 
Happy Birthday to You! 
Licking the icing off the candles
Conversations over Cake 
Nora enjoyed her cupcake! 
The girls chatting with Cinderella 
The boys!
Cole, Caleb, Aiden, Mattox and Pierce 
Ella showing Cinderella her new castle 
All the girls with Cinderella 
The boys with Cinderella (minus Eli) 
All the kids (except for Eli, Owen and Brooklynn) 
Hugging Cinderella bye! 
Ready to open presents! 
She got a good mix of toys, clothes and PJs
Decorating crowns and picture frames for their picture with Cinderella 
MeMa helping Lena 
Abbie helping Madi Grace
Ella picked an orange crown of course! 
Staci making one for Nora and helping Lizzie Kate 
Eli and Amy with their crowns
With their crown- Ella was getting tired of pictures by this point! 
Ella and her best friends! 
The Party Favors 
Girls got a Cinderella cup full of candy and a magic wand 
Boys got candy and silly string or bubbles 
The boys got silly string as their favors so they headed to the back yard to play! 
The cousins stayed and played all afternoon! 
Once everyone left, Ella couldn't wait to play with her presents!
Making princess jewelry
Painting her wooden jewelry box
What a fun party celebrating with her cousins and very best friends! 
Ella had the best day celebrating with Cinderella!
We are so thankful for a happy healthy little 4 year old girl that we love so much!