Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Fun!

Saturday we had some fall fun!  We headed out to Raleigh Road Nursery...
The kids couldn't wait to do the hay maze!
I love this picture - the smiles, the look of excitement, and the way Ella has her arm wrapped around Caleb.  So sweet! 
Caleb in the hay maze - he looks so small! 
Painting a pumpkin 
Ella hugging her pumpkin
Caleb and the pumpkin he painted 
Ella painting hers
Feeding the baby goats
Funny Story - they also had turkeys to feed.  Ella was out there standing by the fence minding her own business and her hair was blowing in the wind.  The turkey stuck his neck out and grabber her hair.  She was scared to death and cried for a while!  Later she told us she was going to wring that turkeys neck!

 Caleb loved the animals

 Owen liked the animals too
Sweet little cousins
Riding the train 
Waving as we go by 
Caleb and Owen 
Choo Choo!
Caleb had his first soccer game of the season
 Practicing before the game started
Getting a game plan together  
Half Time Huddle
Taking a break for some Gatorade
Saturday afternoon we started getting ready for Halloween
Any guesses who Ella wants to be???
Saturday night Corey and I went to dinner
 We celebrated 9 years of marriage!
So thankful for him and what a great husband and daddy he is!
We got back from dinner and everyone piled on daddy!
Found a few cute pictures on Corey's phone I wanted to share....
Last weekend Caleb said his teacher told him it was free donut day if he talked like a pirate.  So we went and he was so cute doing his little spill they practiced in class "Argh, May I have a donut?"
The lady was so sweet and smiled and said "The free donuts are at Krispy Kreme" and we were at Dunkin Donuts :(
Oh well, we still bought the boy a chocolate donut with sprinkles! 
Ella wanted a "pink donut" 
 Corey went to a meeting at Caleb's school this week and took a picture of some artwork in the hallway.
Ella loves to get in our bed and night to "read her bible".  She always says she is reading her Bible no matter what book it is!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Taylors Every Day - week 38

Ella loves playing babies! 
She had them all lined up on a blanket Monday afternoon. 
Caleb started having a lot of homework! 
Ella was so proud of her "tumbling hair" and asked me to take a picture!
It finally felt like fall!  All bundled up and headed to school.
After school we ran errands and Ella loved riding the crocodile ride at Harris Teeter 
Caleb was a happy boy after school - Granddaddy added a kick stand, bell, and light to his bike.
Ella was excited about a rainy day so she could splash in muddy puddles! 
She came home from school and cuddled up with Granddaddy to watch a movie. 
Ella's "C" artwork of the week
After school on this rainy day we headed to get a haircut
This sweet boy was sleeping good when I had to wake him up for school!
Me and Ella enjoyed some Bojangles for breakfast and had a lazy day at home cleaning.
This boy was excited it was Friday - no school for 2 days!
We headed to get some ice cream to celebrate!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Taylors Every Day - week 37

Me and Granddaddy went to lunch with Caleb (Granddaddy went back on Thursday too!) 
We were tired of Ella's Madio being naked so we bought him some clothes.
I showed Ella this outfit and she told me "That will be perfect.  Madio loves helicopters!"

Ella at tumbling with two of her best friends - Haley and Madi Grace!
Ella reading on the way to school with Madio in hand!
Tuesday night we got some bad news - Dr confirmed that my dad does have lung cancer :(
Good news was that this little guy came to visit!  Love Owen!
Ella loves calling the ducks on the front porch 
Caleb got out of school early so I picked up Ella and we ate Taco Bell in the car while we waited for him.  This girl loves a cheesy rollup! 
Ella's artwork from school - it is "B" week! 
You never know what you will get into as a youth leader.
Corey and Josh and a doughnut competition!
Caleb got up early and wanted to work with his stencils. 
Ella and her babies on the way to Bible Study 
One happy boy after school
Ella and I went to celebrate Jeff's 3rd Birthday
Caleb brought some art home from school 
Caleb started soccer - he loves it! 
Ella rode her bike around the trail while Caleb practiced 
Drills with his team
I called his name and he turned around and smiled 
Team Huddle 
After practice we ate Hibachi with the Radfords and Hoskins.
Caleb loved the chopsticks. 
Ella with a shrimp sauce mustache 
The boys finished waxing the boat and then we headed to Northampton County 
Caleb shooting GG with a ball - she loves having the kids over to play! 
Ella getting PhePhe - she is such a fun aunt! 
Eating ice cream with MeMa 
These boys rode and rode their bikes 
Ella trying to keep up 
Three Musketeers
Sunday after church 
Granddaddy and Caleb hung his car case that Granddaddy built. 
Caleb loves displaying his cars!