Friday, January 30, 2015

Taylors Every Day - Week 4

Ella was so cute in her pigtails! 
Caleb working on his spelling words - he is learning so much!
I had to go register Ella for preschool next year so Mama took the kids to the dentist.
Caleb's turn 
No cavities!  Showing off that he has lost 2 teeth.
Ella was such a big girl! 
Getting her front teeth checked.  Caleb was carrying her and dropped her on the steps and her top teeth are a little loose but dr said no worries - they should tighten back up! 
We started moving some things into the house!
We put a bunch of the boxes of the kids toys in the bonus room and let them open them.
Caleb said it was the "best day ever".  He can't wait to go back to the new house and play! 
Garage is looking a little better!  Still can't put anything in the rooms with hardwood.
With Ella's "N" crafts for the week - number necktie and noodle necklace
Snuggling with Granddaddy before school 
My pretty princess ready for school

We were running errands and they had samples of Vanilla Bean Fraps.
Ella loved her little "milkshake" 
At Olive Garden with over 20 women from church to celebrate Mrs. Polly's 70th Birthday! 
We love her!
Playing games with Ella
She gives the best clues :)
And then it was Yard Sale time at church.... 
Busy, busy weekend!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Taylors Every Day - Week 3

It was Martin Luther King Day so the kids were out of school!
We went shopping for some things for the house 
Ella was a trooper - this was her third day shopping in a row. 
Tubby and Charlotte came for a visit and Caleb had them playing games with him.
The weather was nice and warm so we had a picnic with Haley after school 
When Caleb got home from school, we went bike riding.
Ella was worn out after school!
We went to lunch with the Fazzios and exchanged Christmas presents with them.
Caleb was out of school for a teacher workday.
The hardwood floors at the house were finished!
Caleb is trying to grow avocadoes - he is pretty smart and loves to garden! 
Owen came to visit Thursday and Friday night and we enjoyed playing with him.
It was a Teacher Workday so we loaded up with some fun with the Brown Crew.
Loaded up and headed to Defy Gravity 
Waiting for our turn to go in! 
The little girls jumping 
Ella in the foam pit 
Building a fort with the foam 
Caleb did great on the obstacle course 
Caleb climbed to the top of the trampolines 
Monkey see, Monkey do - Ella's turn 
They climbed up and slide down over and over again! 
Ready to try and climb up and ring the bell 
He made it to the top
The little girls watching 
Ella will try anything Caleb does - she almost made it to the top before falling 
The big kids climbing to the top
Smiling when he made it to the top 
More obstacle course fun 
And guess who is next? 
Jumping with the little girls
What a fun day! Not sure who enjoyed it more - me or the kids!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Taylors Every Day - Week 2

Caleb read his book for homework to Ella
Ella snuggled up and watched some cartoons after school
Ella loves to lick the batter no matter what it is - creamed potatoes this time
Ella's Cute Snowman she made at school 
Other school crafts this week
Running errands after BSF - cheesy roll ups are her favorite!
We grabbed a quick dinner and got ice cream sundaes for the kids while we did a few things at the house
Ella went furniture shopping ALL day and was such a trooper!
Snuggled up before church 
At Crawford and Audrey's house - silly boys with big shoes on 
They got rowdy so we locked them up - ha!
The guys were watching football, the girls were talking, and the kids were all cuddled up watching cartoons.  We love our church friends!