Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Labor Day and Mila is Born!

We headed to Lake Gaston for Labor Day weekend with the Taylors
Logan brought fireworks so he was getting his show together. 
All the kids love to tube 
Canoeing with Kelly 
Caleb skiing 
He can get up on one ski and does so well 
Ella skiing on two skis - she is really getting the hang of it 
Corey needed a dress for a skit at church so we went shopping at Goodwill one night 
Beautiful evening after church one night 
Owen stayed with us while school was out for Hurricane Dorian 
4 wheel riding 

We got a sweet new baby girl on Sept 6th 
Mila Josie was born at 12:59 pm - she was 6 pounds 4 ounces and 19 inches long 
Proud aunt! 
Ella celebrated with Haley at the ropes course for her birthday 
This crew of girls had a blast 
Ella was high up 

Josh and Kelly had a gender reveal and It's a Boy - We can't wait to meet and love on baby Hutchens #4! 
Ella got to meet Mila and she was a total baby hog.  She just wanted to hold her!

Caleb's turn 
Family picture with Mila 
We celebrated Haley's 8th Birthday with a pool party
Some of my favorite friends! 
Caleb had his first flag football game 
Lizzie Kate and Ella had a sleepover and painted their nails 
Corey in the Grandparents Day skit at church 
Kids singing at church on Sunday!