Monday, October 24, 2016

Dad's Celebration of Life

On Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm we celebrated Dad's life.  And a celebration it was indeed!  It was a good mix of sweet and funny and of course plenty of John Ed stories.
Dad's pride and joy - his grandchildren 
Family picture all dressed and ready
Raynor Girls - so thankful for these girls! 
My bestest friends - these girls have really been there for me during this tough time as well as many other times during my life!
Raynor Cousins - just wish we got to see them more often 
Dad's best buddies who served as pallbearers - Carlyle, Johnnie, Tony, Jackie, Phil, and Joey
Caleb and Ella's school sent a flower - so sweet!
Dad loved the secretary and would talk to everyone when he went to lunch. 
The beautiful casket and flowers 
A "Dad" flower and a "Granddaddy" flower - the granddaddy flower had a little paint brush, screw driver and bird feeder that he made with the kids attached.

A picture video was played while people were being seated.  We opened the service with the congregation singing "God You Reign" 
Billy spoke first and told of the first time meeting dad and how dad was in the hospital but kept telling him how he wanted to be a helper - and he was!  He also reminded us that we hadn't "lost" dad but we knew right where he was - in heaven!
Doug told some funny stories including dad being on the news twice with no teeth after the church fire.  He also talked about how intensely loyal dad was and how "hugs" was a word used to describe him.

In between speakers, the praise team sang "10,000 Reasons"
Kent did an awesome job representing our family - he told some funny stories (like packing up our Christmas gifts, quarters in dad's pockets in Washington, DC) as well as spoke from his heart about what a great dad, friend, teacher and mentor he was. 
Richard described dad talking about his "love, loyalty and legacy".  He included the funny story about how dad was meeting him for breakfast and was late but never got in a hurry talking to others on the way out.  He also talked about how he was a man of "I Love You"s and would tell you he loved you without shame.

Mr. Gregg closed the service with a beautiful song "If You Could See Me Now"

We had so many friends and family there - it was overwhelming and amazing!  People from church, friends from dad's work many years ago, friends from mom and Kent's work, Hospice workers, lifelong and college friends and from what we heard there were so many who weren't able to stay to go thru the line so we could speak to them.  Thank you all for coming! 
Sweet little Taylor cousins after the service - Caleb and Cole are holding Dad's pocket knife.  Caleb is proud to have it and showed so many people at the funeral home.

The church served us a delicious supper after the visitation.

On Monday we had a graveside service
My cuties ready to go - I love color coordinated outfits 
Love him - he has been a rock for me thru dad's sickness and death
Riding in the family car to the service
Pall bearers taking dad's casket to graveside 
Love all these men and how much they love our family! 
Dad flower 
Granddaddy flower 
Dad's beautiful casket
Caleb touched the casket before we left and said "Bye Granddaddy, see you in heaven" 
After the service we ate at Amy Jos (dad's favorite restaurant) with some of our family and friends.  Mom treated everyone to lunch and said that Dad would want her too! 
We got a picture of some of dad's fraternity brothers that were at the funeral but didn't come thru the line to see the family.

We spent the afternoon being together, organizing and dividing the food we had left, and writing thank you notes

For the past few months and especially this past month, I have been so sad.  While I am still sad tonight I can't help but also have a sense of relief - relief that the pain and suffering is over, relief that I don't have to worry about the next doctors appointment or how the next round of chemo might affect him, relief in knowing that the services are over and on and on. 

Now we just have to find a new normal - a way to go on without dad here with us!

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