Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weekly Recap

Our week was filled with our normal activities of school, work, church and bible study.
Caleb had his first school project this week.  He had to complete his turkey creatively.  I asked him what he wanted to use to decorate his turkey and he immediately said "leaves".  So here is his completed turkey with leaves for feathers, sticks for legs, and a baby acorn for his eye.
Proud of his turkey!
I took this picture one night this week. 
So sweet - love a sleeping picture.
Friday night, Corey and Daniel both had obligations and wouldn't be home so we had dinner with Teague and Heather.  Saturday morning my mom, Melanie and I did some shopping around town and went out to lunch.  We took Ella and Owen with us and Caleb stayed home and helped Corey with the yard work.  Saturday afternoon we had two birthday parties -  Aiden Fazzio turned 2 and Taylor Ellis turned 21!  I didn't get any pictures all day!
Saturday night Caleb went home with my parents to spend the night.  
Ella was happy to have her daddy and the Ipad all to herself!
 Sunday afternoon everyone was worn out and here is what I found in my bed...
 Nap time for the boys!
Sunday night we had a birthday dinner for daddy and Melanie.  Mama cooked and Papa came to town!
 Papa with all his great grandbabies!
We were so glad Mrs. Brenda came with him.  She loves babies and they loved her!
The weeks are flying by!  Can't believe tomorrow is already Monday again :(

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