Saturday, August 25, 2018

Life Lately - August 11th thru 24th (Ella's 7th Bday)

I am still behind on life so just catching up and doing another life lately and photo dump post - 

Pam and I after my haircut - a lot had fallen out so I got it cut shorter 
Boys had fun at the Lake Party 
Owen had a blast swimming 
Ella is getting good at balancing 
Caleb went on a play date with Charlie and Mrs. Beth brought Ella a present so we colored while they were gone 
Kaye sent Ella an American Girl gift card and she was so excited! 
On Friday, August 18th we headed to American Girl with Madi Grace
The girls were so excited!
They received a letter upon check in and their own room key 
In our Everything Pink hotel room 
At the Bistro 
Matching with their dolls 
Sweet friends - they love each other! 
Playing at the store 
With Tenley and Elizabeth at the salon 
After their girls got braids 
Tenley's hair looked so good for a little while 
Happy girl back at the hotel room in matching robes 
Ella loved it! 
We had room service for strawberry milk and cookies 
This girl is such a little mama and loves her babies! 
Tenney and Elizabeth were in their beds ready to go to sleep 
These girls had a sleepover in our room and giggled and had the most fun! 
The next day we went shopping and Ella got another present from Abbie 
Taking a break at the mall 
After we went back to the American girl store, the girls looked so cute all matching 
We celebrated with the Raynors at Mammy's on Sunday night
Mom and I cooked dinner together - ribs, potatoes, deviled eggs, corn and broccoli. 
Ella got a school kit from Kent and Melanie for her American girl doll
Owen and Brooklynn gave her a pocketbook and Target gift card too! 
Mammy got her a new bookbag and she was SO happy! 
We had ice cream sundaes for dessert 
Family Picture
Worn out after a good day! 
Happy girl with her ice cream rolled in marshmellows 
Whipped cream squirting in their mouth is also a favorite activity 
Raynor cousins! 
The morning of Ella's birthday we made pancakes - this is our tradition where they use the cookie cutters to cut out pancakes  
Birthday breakfast with her favorite buddy 
Playing a Memory Game she got 
With her birthday sign 
Presents from us 
I had treatment on her birthday but Corey saved the day by taking off.
He got Leah and took the kids to Chickfila for lunch 
He also took them shopping at Target 
This treatment took a lot longer because we had to keep waiting but headed home by 2:00 pm 
Mrs. Dshay saved the day but prepping all the art supplies and donating them for her art party with friends 
Ella wanted to paint a canvas 
Dancing while they waited on everyone to get there 
Opening gifts 
With her lifelong BFFs
Haley, Madi Grace, Aubree and Lizzie Kate
All of their mamas are some of my BFFs so I pray they always stay close! 
Look how cute the artwork turned out!
D'Shay rocks! 
Ice cream sundaes with trick candles for everyone 
After ice cream we ordered pizza 
Caleb is so good at the Happy Birthday song 
A few more pictures of the Art Party 
Sweet girls with their artwork 
Ella spent the night with Haley on her birthday night so we didn't have to get her up early to go for Caleb's tube procedure 
August 21st - Caleb got tubes so he could hear a little better and relieve some of the pressure in his eustation tube
Ready to rock the surgery!
It was such a quick procedure but he did so well!

The rest of the week I recovered from treatment, we got school supplies together and MeMa stayed here to help us!

Thursday night was Open House at New Hope
Ella got the teacher she hoped for - Mrs. Brick!
She can't wait for a great year! 
Caleb switches blocks this year - he has Mrs. Amerson for home room but I didn't get a picture.
Here he is with Mrs. Harper (his math and science teacher).  She looks like a fun teacher.  He was a little disappointed his best buddies were in another class but I know he will make new friends!

Now we are gearing up for back to school activities around here!

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