Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gender Reveal Party - It's A....

Mason and Jessica are having a baby - due August 4th!
On Monday they found out what the baby is and had a gender reveal party to tell all the family.
I can share this now that the news is "Facebook Official" :)
Me and Ella - Team Pink
 Corey and Caleb - Team Blue
Here is the tally of what everyone thought it would be - more girls than boys! 
 Logan and Meridith were on vacation so Susan got them on the phone so they could hear when we found out...
Here they go opening the box- 
We were confused at first because we saw blue tissue paper and a red balloon ...
 ....and then a pink balloon!
And finally more pink balloons!
Mason scratching his head
It was a surprise to Mason and Jessica too so here is Jessica opening the ultrasound to double check :)
We are so excited!  With 4 Taylor boys, who would have ever thought that there would be more girl grandchildren than boys!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I was so excited to see that Mason and Jessica were having a baby. Mason will be a great daddy just like Corey :)
