Monday, January 1, 2018

Life Lately - Christmas Day

The kids woke up bright and early to see what Santa brought...
waiting for us to tell them to open their eyes.
Their piles from Santa
Ella got an American Girl finally! 
Caleb was happy about his guitar
Desks for Ella and Tenney 
New sleeping bags 
Caleb asked for a robe since he sleeps without a shirt most nights 
LOL Ball for Ella - she couldn't wait to open it and see her 50 surprises
New Under Armor for Caleb 
Santa shopped at the book fair :) 
Atari for the boys 
American girl accessories 
Garmin Jr - he is competitive with his steps 
One of her favorite gifts - lip gloss fidget spinner
Caleb finally got his Beyblades he has been so excited about 
Oonies for Ella and she knew just how to do them thanks to You Tube Kids 
Ella's stash 
Caleb's stash 
The kids surprised me with a new bracelet and Starbucks gift card 
Note from Santa 
Scratching their lottery tickets - Caleb won $2

Then we headed to Mammys....
When we first got to Mammy's, Caleb had everyone playing Beyblades

It wasn't long before everyone was ready to open presents...
Corey got some shelving and stuff for his shop 
This girl loves her Mammy 
Duck boots for Caleb
Bumper Cars for Owen 
Shock collar for Bailey 
Nerf vest to hold all his bullets 
Corey and Kent both got new tennis shoes 
Pitching Machine for my baseball boy 
Ella got a Skip It 
Paw Patrol for these two! 
Rain coats for the boys 
Ella loved her Little Live Pet - Lucky 
The dads had to open all the packages 
New boots and umbrella for Ella 
Mammy always requests a new calendar with pictures 
Mammy loved her artwork from the kids - thanks Kent for painting it! 
Princess dresses for the girls 
New movies!
Brooklynn was excited about her Cinderella dress and accessories 
Owen got some new rain boots 
Ella had been asking for a "real" hamster so Mammy got her one
Caleb's new toy
Me and Melanie both got new coats 
Tools for Corey 
New hoodie for Kent - this is an annual gift!
Melanie got several new outfits 
New I-watch bands! 
New Toms 
Brooklynn got a new suitcase and was pulling it around everywhere
Carl and Cathy came and got sucked into Beyblades right away 
Silly Girl 
Mom cooked a delicious dinner of roast and ham
Time for stockings 
Caleb's turn 
Mammy got a new game for them to share at her house - Don't Wake Granny 
Last surprise of the night - Boarding Passes to Disney World 
They all got autograph books to take on the trip as well as some Disney money to spend while we are there!  We can't wait to go in March!
Kent's family picture
Our family picture
We went by Granddaddy's spot on the way home 
Ella got her doll changed in her PJs, grabbed her Snuggie tail and asked to go to bed!
We ended Christmas on the best note - Caleb had been asking a lot of questions over the past few days and decided tonight he wanted to ask Jesus to be his Savior.  The best Christmas gift we could ever ask for!  So proud of this boy!

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