Monday, November 9, 2015

Taylors Every Day - week 44

Caleb woke up to another visit from the Tooth Fairy! 
We celebrated Julia Claire's 1st birthday 
The birthday girl enjoyed her cake! 
Eating Halloween candy in car line 
We ate dinner with the Hutchens at Waffle House 
We voted after school 
Caleb got a GREAT report card! 
We ate dinner with the Boltons at Burger King
Caleb's best buddy from school, Grayson, came home with us and the kids played soccer

These two got a hold of my phone at church! 
Ella started to feel bad
We went to the doctor - Ella has a virus and bronchitis.
She slept and we got a lot of snuggles in!  Hate it when she is sick!
Sweet girl not feeling good snuggled up with big brother
Me and Ella had a low key day at home
Playing games 
Making a Welcome Home sign for daddy 
Ready to see their daddy 
On the way home from the airport
With their presents
T-shirts, real Swiss army knives, chocolate eggs and more German chocolate!
Caleb had fun celebrating Grayson's 7th birthday at his Monster party!

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