It was Lizzie Kate's birthday so these three celebrated at Chickfila after school
Ella crashed in car line
They played a game after baths
Caleb had his 6 year old check up
He weighed 52 pounds and was exactly 4 feet tall. Dr. Buck said if he continues to grow like he has been, then he will bypass Corey in height. He was above average in height and 50% in weight. Caleb had a great check up! We were referred back to the audiologist to repeat his hearing screens and see if his hearing is improving with age.
As a reward for being so well behaved at the doctor, we got Snowballs on the way home.
Granddaddy brought his bike over to ride with the kids.
Not sure who was happier about that!
Off they went!
Ella had her end of year school program
Her class did so well singing their ABCs, Days of the Week, and What's the Weather?
Close up with Aubree
Dairy Queen after church with these cuties
We rode our bikes down to visit the Stones and these girls immediately started playing dress up
Dressed and ready for field day
Holding Brooklynn so Melanie could get a few things done :)
Dinner at our house with the Wards, Hutchens, and Boltons
Bath time fun!
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