Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Celebrating Jodi and Jules

This weekend we headed to Northampton County to celebrate...
 but before we left Ella played with Leah for a little while 
and Caleb worked in his garden!
We got to MeMa's house late but the kids were wide awake... 
and wanted an ice cream sandwich!
Saturday morning they woke up ready to ride the golf cart around the farm
Then we headed over to celebrate Jodi's 2nd birthday 
The kids enjoyed cake and ice cream 
 At the pool, the girls enjoyed a snack
Look at these cute life guards :) 
Caleb is a little fish (with Uncle Evan - doesn't he look like Corey here?) 
Then we stayed up way too late getting ready for Jessica's baby shower but we had fun!
Mitzi decorating! 
Jessica even helped because she wanted to hang out with us :) 
And the kids were snoozing while we worked!
Sunday morning Ella enjoyed having time with MeMa and PePa all by herself! 
Sunday afternoon we celebrated "Jules Emery Taylor" on the way in August! 
We are so excited for Mason and Jessica!
The table all decorated and ready! 
These two love each other - they hung out at the shower with us!  
Cloey, Lena and Ella sitting so nicely while Jessica opened presents (for a little while anyway:))
Ella was Jessica's personal assistant during present opening :)
What a fun weekend celebrating two of our sweet nieces - Jodi and Jules!

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