Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Rest of May

We spent Memorial Day at the lake with the Taylors
We got there early on Friday and enjoyed a boat ride and ice cream 
Chillin in his eno 
The girls got necklaces from Logan 
Ella loves having Micah on her hip 
Logan got the old Nintendo working and the boys had a lot of fun with it 
Boat riding 
The boys went canoeing several times this trip - they would always say can we take the boat "down the river"? 
Phyllis came to visit and spoiled them with treats! 
The girl cousins in pink 
Taylor girls (minus Jules) 
We had a great dinner and it was nice to finally have everyone back together 
Paddle boarding 
Paddle boarding - both kids got good at it! 
Taylor Sisters (we missed Jessica) 
Golf cart riding with these cuties 
Leah stayed with us and these girls had so much fun doing make up 
Caleb's Last Zoom Call and his certificate for completing virtual learning 
Hanging out at Mammy's house 
Brooklynn was so growny swinging with me and talking about how excited she was to start school next year! 
What the kids did on my van window with their putty 
Ella's Last Zoom Call 
May 29th - Last Day of School 
I CAN NOT believe he is done with elementary school!  Time just went too fast! 
And my girl will be in 4th grade!  How did this happen? 
Rachel and Matt got married! 
I had the honor of directing their wedding and mom helped with the reception.  It was a small family wedding due to the corona virus 
Love these girls!  It was a beautiful wedding and everything turned out great!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May Happenings

May is a month full of birthdays!
We went to a birthday parade and cookout for Lizzie Kate's 9th Birthday! 
All the kids piled in the back of Mr. Melvin's truck. 
They had a lot of fun being together!  
I made my first apple cake and it turned out so good! 
Caleb got a 3D printer and has been printing so many neat things! 
Ella is a baby hog - she loves holding Mila! 
Ella, mom and I went to the beach for the day.  The weather was so nice! 
Me and my girl! 
Mom and her friends Robin and Mary Jo on the beach!  We forgot to take a picture with Janice there.
Ella enjoyed playing with Camden and Maisley! 
Ella's first swim of the season at our neighbor's pool 
We celebrated Owen's 7th birthday 
His cookie cake was SO good! 
While we were at the beach, the boys were camping. 
They did 21 miles in 2 days!  They had fun but were worn out! 
More cousin fun at Mammy's - Mila loves a duck face these days!

Now it's Memorial Day and we are headed to have some fun at the lake with the Taylor Crew!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Life Lately plus Mothers Day

Its been more of the same around here but a few pictures of what we have been up to..
Birthday parades are a highlight of the week - this one was for Caleb's neighborhood buddy Will 
We met the Browns for some strawberry picking 
These kids picked strawberries fast! 
We walked with some friends at church for the guy who was murdered for no reason in Atlanta - 2.23 miles 
Dinner with the Huchens and a surprise guest stopped by - it was so good to see Jenna! 
Mothers Day Drive In Church - the weather was so nice we were able to sit outside.
So thankful for my mama! 
So thankful these two made me a mama! 
We had Western Sizzlin lunch and gave Mammy her paintings. 
Kent did a great job painting them. 
Caleb ordered a 3D printer with his birthday money and it finally arrived!
Cute cousin picture!