Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November Fun plus Taylor Thanksgiving

Here is what we have been up to in November....

Caleb became a multiplication master at school in 4th grade 
We had a sweet neighbor over one Friday night and she ended up eating supper with us and played with both kids SO well! 
Caleb and Corey ran the STRIDE race again with the Harrell boys 
Fun run for them with neighbors but it was cold! 
Caleb took off even with hurt heels! 
Ella had a blast with the little sisters - Catherine and Bailey 
We couldn't stop this boy - here is his finish! 
Mike and Nathan 
Corey was such a good sport running with Caleb even when no time to train. 
Caleb with his STRIDE medal 
With Ryan Deans and Nathan Harrell plus their dads
Both of these boys have been sweet friends to Caleb 
More sweet little sisters! 
The snake my kids found on our carport 
Friday night ice cream with Nathan and Cat 
Corey took off when the kids were off and we decided to head to Raleigh - the kids picked Frankie's Fun Park 
Ella loves Skee Ball 
The arcade games were a favorite but so expensive 
This boy loves time with his dad! 
And so does this girl! 
Racing time 
She was so excited she could drive and ride by herself 
Off he went fast - boy loves a car! 
Ella started out slow but got pretty fast quickly - she was always cautious on the curves 
It was SO cold but they didn't mind! 
We missed doing this at the beach this year so this was our make up for them!  
We added money to the card once but man it is expensive there! 
Corey was watching to see if she could win something! 
Looking rough but glad to have a day with my family! 
Can you tell what we did most?  The arcade! 
The shooting game 
Trying to win tickets for prizes 
With my fav boy! 
Ella checking out her prizes- not much for a lot of money but the kids had a blast! 
We stopped by a place for lunch I had been wanting to try - Cowfish 
All the food came in a little box 
This was my Bento Box - cheeseburger was the best! 
Caleb liked the box too!  It was raining so hard by this point. 
Corey loves Sushi! 
This was my lunch on dad's birthday - Nov 13th
Chinese and a dr. pepper - should have been a mountain dew! 
We ran in Food Lion and Ella stopped to take a picture of the fire truck. 
The night of dad's birthday I made soup and pimento cheese for everyone! 
The kids had fun playing and doing crafts. 
Owen playing with PlayDoh 
I had gotten helium balloons but with the weather we could not make them fly to Heaven! 
The messages were SO sweet - I busted out crying!
My girl is into fashion these days - look how cute she is! 
My treatment on Nov 14th - not a ZERO yet but an 8!
Progresss - PTL!
We were wishing Linda Faircloth a happy 60th birthday in this picture! 
Caleb had a great baseball season even with a heel injury and he couldn't play a lot due to running. 
The coach had a cute little ceremony and gave out trophies and team balls.
Caleb got a team ball for being a good sport and helping the team by showing up even when he could not run!
Just a little damage from hurricane OREO!
We thankfully kept Baileys old stuff but here is the bed she destroyed! 
Christmas Parade - Ella loved hanging with the Lackey girls! 
With some of their BFFs - hate we didn't get to sit with them! 
We hung with the Hutchens - all the boys ready to watch! 
Thankful for some time with Kelly - finally!
I sure do love this girl! 
Wilson Parade - here is my old high school's band 
Two of Ella's BFFs on the Brand Parade
We love LK and Aubree! 
Kenzie Kate and Michael too!
We hate Dixon and Laura could not make it! 
Owen and Kent were in the parade with the boy scouts 
Kent is such a good dad!  I'm so proud of him! 
More fun with the Lackey girls and Cat 
Ella loves this girl - one of her church and school BFFs!  
Its a bonus they are also neighbors! 
The parade was soooo long!
We finally saw Santa and jetted to eat! 
Two of my favorite friends and fellow mamas!
I missed Abbie and Madi Grace but did see Mr. Johnnie and Mrs. Joy! 
After church one Sunday - we are thankful the Crockers are now part of our crew! 
Rhett's 3rd Birthday - it was a cold Sunday afternoon but the kids had a BLAST!
The food was delicious and it was nice to have a low key afternoon with family. 
Dentist appointments for all of us!
Kids checked out well but I have another cavity - #4 this year but same tooth that was fixed before. 
We had a delicious dinner with the Evans - we are so thankful for how much they love our kids! 
They really are the best and sweetest! 
We were out of town for all of Thanksgiving weekend but I was thankful that Owen and Kent helped mom get her tree up!

Thanksgiving with the Taylors
The kids love going to the family farm 
Four wheel riding 
Playing with cousins - this is Anna Grey 
Baby loving - Ella holding Micah along with Rhett and AG 
Rhett wasn't feeling the best but he was SO sweet!
Here is his dog waiting for him to drop a piece of food - and check out Mema's new kitchen! 
Rhett and Ella both had colds so they snuggled up on the couch to watch cartoons!
Ella soaks up with someone with sit and cuddle with her! 
The boys stayed out in the cold doing boy stuff - moving a tree stand here!

The Taylor girls and Leslie went Black Friday shopping and stayed out til 4 am - it was fun but I def paid for it the next day being SO tired and in a terrible mood! 
Nov 23rd - day after Thanksgiving
These boys have so much fun together - it was also PePa's birthday 
These girls love me even at my worst - so thankful God gave me these Taylor sisters! 
Corey came in from helping Mason and was so dirty but happy!
Mason has taken over the family farm since Pepa went to heaven. 
Chillin with the Taylors 
Baby loving - the two littlest Taylors
Micah and Winfield 
Susan and her boys - she is a good mama and mema! 
Lots of discussions around this bar happened this weekend 
These girls are two peas in a pod!
Ella and Lena were brushing their hair and asked me to braid it - I love that she has these cousins! 
Three peas in a pod 
Golf cart riding in the FREEZING cold thanks to Aunt Mit! 
Cole and Caleb stayed on these 4 wheelers ALOT this weekend! 
A picture walking into church
I am SO blessed God gave me these two! 
We tried Bailey's old sweater on Oreo and she didn't love it but Ella did! 
Also in November we celebrated Melanie's birthday!
I am thankful for this Raynor sister too - she always has my back too!  
Ella made her a card. 
Loving the First 5 app again!

Another appointment coming up - Pray for a ZERO and no complications!

Praying for so many of my friends right now dealing with health issues too!
God's got this!  Praising Him in the Storm!