Monday, July 27, 2015

Lake Gaston with Sunday School Friends

On Friday we headed to the lake with some of the couples in our Sunday School class.
Heather and I arrived first and waited on the dock for the rest to arrive and let the kids swim.
So glad the Ritchies could come since they have moved!
Caleb wanted to play Crazy 8 - Ella and Luke sat right down and played.
Luke loves Caleb and will do anything he wants! 
Fishing - Caleb showing Teague the fish he caught 
The kids checking out Mr. Danny's fish 
Ready for a boat ride 
Fishing with Crawford, Caleb's buddy
Caleb wanted to kneeboard
Ella's turn 
Boat ride while Josh wakeboarded 
After the kids got in bed, the girls did mud masks. 
The boys fished and played Spades
The adults stayed up til almost 2:00 am talking and laughing!
Playing with Daniel 
Breakfast on the deck 
The kids loaded up for a boat ride with the dads 
Danny and Leah went tubing 
Luke and Audrey 
We all tubed together - so much fun! 
The girls relaxing on the float 
Josh got in the hammock to take a nap and my two crawled up there with him - so much for a nap! 
Caleb fishing some more in his lucky spot 
After dinner it was time for S'mores 
Roasting marshmallows 
These two were eating them straight out of the bag once they ate their S'mores! 
About 9:00 pm - Corey made it back from Germany!
We were all so happy he was home safely! 
Luke reading bedtime stories 
The kids piled on Corey
(Can you see Luke on top of Caleb?) 
Ready for the lake! 
Chilling with Audrey
All the kids LOVE Crawford and Audrey! 
We loaded up and headed to Goat Island 
All the kids playing on the beach 
Three Musketeers
On the back of the boat 
At Goat Island 
Corey brought chocolate eggs with toys inside for all of the kids 
The only reason they like when daddy goes to Germany - they get chocolate eggs! 
The boys chillin'
Daniel had to go back on Saturday night 
I surfed for the 1st time - it was fun!
Ella decided she wanted to knee board on her knees instead of her belly!
And she did so good!  She looks so little hanging on back there.
So proud of her!
Ella and Corey napping in the hammock 
Ella and Luke feeding the fish and Caleb trying to catch them! 
Kelly took a nap!
Then we packed up, cleaned up and ate dinner at Highway 55 before heading home.
It was such a fun weekend with great friends.
I just love these girls and their families and can't wait for the two new additions joining us soon.  We laugh together, cry together, pray for each other and have fun together!  So thankful for them!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Taylors Every Day - week 29

Sunday night we all went to VBS Registration at Peace to register Caleb
These three girls enjoyed eating ice cream and playing games
We started our morning off right - with donuts!
Ella got her 1st ever haircut - look how long her hair had gotten! 
Ella with Mrs. Shannon 
After - just a little shorter with some layers!
Fingers crossed the curls still stay! 
With her certificate 
Grocery Shopping 
Caleb has learned how to blow BIG bubbles! 
Tuesday night we ate dinner with the Hutchens.
These two sat on the floor and played with Kelly's phone!
BSF rented out the splash park again!
These girls were more interested in the snacks than water! 
Caleb having fun! 
Carousel time! 
Caleb and Conner 

Me and my girl! 
Three Musketeers - Katelyn, Conner, Caleb 
Train Ride  
Bug ride with baby Eleanora
Ella did a great job holding onto her during the ride!
Wednesday night we had a sleepover at our house with 8 girls from church but didn't take a single picture!
We went to Chickfila and the boys enjoyed their kids meal toy 
Putting them together while it rained 
Then we headed to the bowling alley with the McKeels
On Friday we are heading to the lake with our Sunday School class for our annual trip and Saturday Corey comes home and we can hardly wait!