Monday, December 29, 2014

House Progress

We have not had a lot of time to work on the house with Christmas activities but we have made a little progress. 

Caleb's room was navy - I don't have a before shot.  
Bonus room before
Both are now painted grey - bonus room in progress
Ella's room went from khaki to a light teal color 
We took down the mirror and light fixtures in the kid's bathroom 
We took out the cheap hardwood laminate floor in our bedroom
Our bathroom went from looking like this....
To this!  We took all those mirrors and light fixtures down.
Now we have to decide what we are going to do (or better yet what we can afford to do!)
We got out the leaking dishwasher and ordered a new one! 
We have cleaned a lot - all windows and blinds are cleaned upstairs and the kids have a few toys in the bonus room to play with when we work over at the house.
Now we are waiting on the painter to finish (about 2 more weeks) and then the floors can be done - probably another month before we can move in!

Caleb lost his first tooth!

On Sunday night, Caleb lost his first tooth.  Caleb's two bottom teeth have been a tiny bit loose but after Christmas Caleb and Ella were playing and she was trying to take his fever and jammed a play thermometer in his mouth and loosened them quite a bit more.  He has been wiggling it since Friday night and it was hanging on by a thread so I asked him if I could pull it.  He let me and said it didn't hurt at all!
One happy snaggle tooth boy 
His tooth in his hand 
With his tooth in his pillow ready to go to bed.
The tooth fairy brought him $5. 
We told him the first tooth was special and next time he wouldn't get that much. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day at Granddaddy and Mammy's House

We got ready and waited for Kent, Melanie, and Owen to arrive to open more presents!
Caleb wanted to start with stockings - he was so excited! 
Ella and her stocking 
All the grandkids ready to open their stockings 
Owen wasn't much into present opening 
Ella got some new bedroom shoes 
The big kids got stockings too! 
Our turn 
These boys got tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters! 
Caleb with his pile of presents - he could read the names this year and helped with making piles for everyone! 
Ella and her pile 
Owen and his pile 
Her favorite gift - all the Disney Princesses 
 "Rosie" got a few things too
One happy boy! 
Owen coloring with one of his new toys 
Socker Boppers 
Ella got some arts and craft stuff 
A money jar to count his money - one of his requests! 
Snow White - adding to her collection 
Baby Alive 
Radio Flyer Wiggle Bike 
Barbie Carrier 
Playing with his toys 
 For the kids artwork
Owen and Mammy! 
I had a sweet present from Ella under the tree 
Ella played with these princesses all afternoon-she changed their clothes over and over again 
Disc Golf Stool 
New Knife for Corey 
Earrings for Melanie 
Monogrammed Rain Jacket for me
New North Face Hoodie - a tradition for Kent 
Mom got new durable floor mats for her new van 
Dad got stuff to keep him warm  - he is always cold now!
New socks 
New electric blanket
Playing with some of Caleb's new toys 
Kent is such a fun uncle - he is always playing with the kids!
Baby Rosie - we can't wait to meet her in a few months
More Disc Golf Stuff 
Padded bag for Corey's 4 wheeler 
Mama got a calendar of pictures 
Owen trying to play with Ella but this girl is protective over her princesses 
Owen and his daddy playing 
Playing with Owen's new toys
The kids did some arts and crafts while we cooked 
Coloring his new dinosaur page 
Batman Watch - isn't he so cute!
Trash Duty 
Caleb had fun outside today playing with his new bike
Playing Ella's new game with Mammy 
Teaching Papa about princesses - she was quizzing him on who everybody is 
Pirate Caleb 
Playing with their Kinetic Sand from Papa
Dad reviewing his texting dictionary - LOL!
What a fun day!  We are so blessed!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday Jesus!