Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween PJs

I love pajamas for each season.  Tonight we had our photo shoot with our Halloween PJs.
 Caleb in his PJs - he was so excited that they glowed in the dark.
My sweet girl in her PJs

Of course we had to take our annual picture with Bailey dressed up.  She was less than impressed with her costume but the kids liked it!

Love these kids and they love each other!

The best we got with Bailey!

Pumpkin Carving

Caleb has been asking for over a week to carve a pumpkin.  Tonight we were finally all home together and able to carve our pumpkin.
Caleb and Ella cleaned out the pumpkin and got it ready to carve.

 Caleb wanted a happy pumpkin with a smiley face so this is the picture he picked to carve.
Daddy brought out the tools to carve the pumpkin this year and he said it was so much easier!

This boy loves helping his daddy!

Caleb and Ella with their smiling pumpkin.

Our Pumpkin at Night
We also decided that we would toast the pumpkin seeds.  We washed them and got them all clean.  Caleb was such a big helper.

 Stirring them up when we added salt and olive oil.
The finished product
The kids loved them - said they tasted like popcorn and ate them all!

We ended the night by getting all our Fall and Halloween books out and reading them. 

Weekend Fun

We were so glad to have daddy back from Germany on Friday.  Caleb woke up and said "I'm so excited it is morning time".  When I asked him why he said "Cause daddy comes back today..right?  You said just one more night!".  Here are the kids waiting at the window to see daddy drive in the driveway! 

Saturday morning we went to Caleb's last soccer game of the season.  He had such a fun time playing and we are so proud that he scored some goals this season.  Here is a picture of his team - the Bumblebees.  Mattox was on his team!
Saturday afternoon we went to Mattox's 5th Birthday party but I didn't take my camera .  The kids had a blast especially in the bounce house and did not want to go home. 
Sunday night we went to Trunk or Treat at First Presbyterian Church (where the kids go to preschool). 
Here is my cowboy and cowgirl. Ella kept saying "Wee Ha!"
Ready to head out to get some candy!

 Caleb and his buddy Pierce (I mean Captain America)

The crew from preschool - Caleb, Ella, Lizzie Kate, Pierce, Katelyn, and Haley

The kids in the parking lot already eating their candy (and David in the middle of them all!)

We had a fun time with our friends and are so thankful for the friendships they are forming even at an early age!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Things that Ella says

Ella is so talkative these days and repeats everything you say.  Here are a few things that I want to remember that Ella says right now...

When you ask her - "What is your name?"  She responds "Ella KaFerine Taylor"

The other night Corey and Caleb were wrestling and Caleb got hurt and started crying.   She looked so seriously at Corey and said "No No Daddy...Not Do That To MY Caleb".  She LOVES her brother!

Ella is into jewelry, pocketbooks, make up and fingernail polish.  When I am putting on make up or painting my fingernails she will say "That's So Pretty Mommy".

And one thing she says ALL.DAY.LONG is "Hold me Mommy, Hold me".  This girl is attached to my hip!  I can't remember the last time I have vacuumed without holding her while I do it!

She also loves to sing and right now she sings her ABCs but skips from G to X.  She also loves her Halloween songs that she learned at school "Trick or Treaters" and "Stirring My Brew".

Friday, October 25, 2013

First Blog Post

I love reading blogs!  I love taking pictures!  So I decided it is finally time to start a blog to document our family fun!  Scrapbooking is getting overwhelming and I just can't keep up.  I am hoping to document what we do and print our blog books in case I never get my scrapbooks caught up!